
From Spark to Fire: 8 Steps to Finding Your Personal Motivation

When I ask them what’s standing between them and their goals, many of my life coaching clients use statements like these: “I’m just not motivated to stick with it.” “I feel stuck in a hole.” “I’m chasing...
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Message for the New Year: Living With Grace in 2023

How Do I Want to Live in 2023? The holiday season, once again marked by the challenges of COVID-19, brought unexpected twists and turns for me. Instead of the joy and celebration I had hoped for, I faced disappointment and loss. COVID hit our family,...
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Life Coaching: Spend More Time on Love

“Any time not spent on love is wasted.” – Torquato Tasso (1544-1595)  Why Spend Time on Love? Love brings us so much happiness and peace because the need for it lies at the very foundation of our existence. However capable and skillful we may...
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Life Coaching to Build Courage: COVID Changes

Before I have a complimentary session with possible clients I send them three questions to answer. One of the questions is: What is getting in the way of reaching your goal? Here are several answers I have received to that question: I don’t have...
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How to Have “The Best Hour of Your Week”

“That was the best hour of my week!” So said my client Martha* after another very worthwhile and meaningful coaching session. It validated why coaching works. Here are some of the comments she and others have made during the past few weeks “before”...
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DC Life Coach, On Moving Forward: Separate Your “View” From Your “Vision”

What do you see from your window? Tell me, the DC Life Coach, I am listening. In the midst of our nation being hit hard by the coronavirus, the economic downturn, and the political problems, many of us are coping with upheaval in nearly every area of...
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From the DC Life Coach: Coping With Coronavirus Anxiety

In times of crisis, such as right now as our nation is experiencing the outbreak of the coronavirus, we must take extra care to keep ourselves in balance. Fretting, worrying, and panicking are draining and unproductive emotions. This afternoon I went...
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DC Life Coach Challenge Winner: Congratulations Pam!

Next week fall starts in DC. With it, for my life coaching clients often comes a sense of new beginnings and unmatched possibility. Children go back to school, big kids go off to college and the federal fiscal year comes to a close. As a DC life coach,...
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