“Jennifer” had the perfect job. It paid well, it was close to home and she was respected by her colleagues. Her boss recently had given her a good evaluation and complimented her on her skillful administrative work. The thing was, Jennifer didn’t like what she was doing.
Jennifer came to me for life coaching because she wanted more. Was there something better out there? Her days were long and uninspiring. Often she felt blah and tired. Yes, she was good at her work and very responsible but this was her one precious life. Jennifer wanted to put more into it and get more out of it. She felt she was lacking purpose and fulfillment.
Most of us want to make changes but are afraid to step out of a secure situation. A job search, a new commitment, and letting go of what works, even if mediocre, can be a gamble. A change may bring back memories of a tiresome difficult period, failure and a loss of self-esteem. Jennifer said that some days at work were almost pleasant because she felt unattached. She just did her job. But, the overall frustration and feeling that she was wasting her life kept nagging at her. Jennifer wanted a sense of purpose, a new identity and a new direction.
We began by looking at her values. I asked her:
- What has to be part of your life?
- What energizes you?
- When was a time when everything was flowing? What made it flow?
- What drives you nuts, makes you angry, frustrates you?
We examined how Jennifer’s values did not track with her current job. We looked at her core feelings and how the work violated her values. No wonder she was frustrated! Jennifer decided to hone into finding a job that would give her the passion and the purpose to excel and feel fulfilled. Work that meant something to her, that resonated with her values and drew on her strengths. The time was right.
Jennifer has developed a plan to target opportunities in a different field. She is excited and energized by the possibilities. She is determined to make changes. Already doors are opening for her and and she is looking at a bigger picture.
“If you limit your choices to what seems possible, you disconnect from what you truly want and then all that is left is compromise.” -Robert Fritz
If you feel you’re in a rat race, on a hamster wheel – when you’re going through the motions and not really living your life – the hardest step is committing to change and focusing on what brings you true joy. If you are craving an exceptional life full of joy and fulfillment, consider working with me through Life Coaching. With the right tools, navigated conversations and the intention to create something great, you can discover ways to live your best life. Let’s get started now on identifying what you want and find a way to get you there.
Contact me for a complimentary, no-obligations life coaching consultation to discuss the possibilities. Or use the Appointment Scheduler and pick a time that works for you. I coach 90% of my clients over the phone, and my DC-based Life Coaching clients have the option of meeting with me in person.