My introduction to life coaching came late in life, and rightly so. I had lived a rich period of working, traveling and learning, and had a lot of life experiences to share. I had moved 15 times, lived around the world and worked at a variety of jobs in education and as a trainer in relocation and cross-cultural adjustment. Always, it was the transitions, not the changes, that I found challenging.
Transition vs. Change
Change is situational, a move to a new place. The logistical things of finding a house, new schools, work and daily life can be time-intensive, but I didn’t generally find these “difficult.” It was always the process of transition and engagement in a new place that was the big hurdle. William Bridges defines transition as a “process that people go through as they internalize and come to terms with the details of the new situation that change brings about.” It is that psychological aspect that can bog people down. During each move I had to let go and say goodbye to jobs, friends, a home, a city and a lifestyle. Saying goodbye and letting go is an important part of a transition. You must leave the old behind before you can move forward, but I didn’t always realize this. After relocating, I had to re-group, pull myself together and start again. It took courage, stamina and fortitude. It was not always easy.
What Saying “Goodbye” Does
Saying goodbye and facing losses left me feeling vulnerable. Sometimes I had outside support, sometimes I didn’t. It was the period before I re-connected and engaged in a new community that was the hardest. Being in the “neutral zone” was isolating. Yet with these challenges there was also excitement, learning and constant stimulation. Life was full of wonderful experiences and adventures. I flourished with the changes and learned to face down the uncertainty brought on by transitions.
Retirement as a New Beginning
When my husband retired and our career-related moves ended, I realized that I had another opportunity for change, transition and learning. All of my life’s experiences had positioned me, seasoned me and sharpened me to be a mentor and life coach to others, especially women, going through transitions similar to the ones I had. But waves of insecurity haunted me as I started this journey. The feelings of uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure Brene Brown describes in her TED Talk about vulnerability perfectly described me. I was there! But the thrill of finding balance, adventure and learning that coincided with my values far outweighed the difficulties of moving out of retirement to start my own life coaching business. I have successfully and enthusiastically embarked on a transition that is personally fulfilling, and my clients thank me for the wisdom of experience that I bring to the table. The results are magnificent!
Beginnings are always messy. –John Galsworthy
If you are craving an exceptional life full of joy and fulfillment, consider working with me through Life Coaching. With the right tools, navigated conversations and the intention to create something great, you can discover ways to live your best life. Let’s get started now on identifying what you want and find a way to get you there.
Contact me for a complimentary, no-obligations life coaching consultation to discuss the possibilities. Or use the Appointment Scheduler and pick a time that works for you. I coach 90% of my clients over the phone, and my DC-based Life Coaching clients have the option of meeting with me in person.